YMINI Makes A Brilliant Appearance At the 2019 ESPGHAN Annual Meeting
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YMINI Makes A Brilliant Appearance At the 2019 ESPGHAN Annual Meeting

ESPGHAN 2019, 52nd Annual Meeting of The European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, was successfully held on June 5th-8th in Glasgow, Scotland. The congress attracted 4.548 delegates from 97 countries, 47 exhibitors & sponsors and offered more than 1.000 abstract presenters a stage to present their latest research results.

During ESPGHAN annual meeting, Yili Maternal & Infant Nutrition Institute (YMINI) hosted its Scientific Symposium – “For infant health, what could bioactive proteins in human milk do?” on June 6th, which has aroused wide attention in the academic circle. Professor Ardythe L. Morrow, Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Human Milk and Lactation at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, US, presented as chairman of the symposium. 

The symposium opened with a short review on Yili’s maternal and infant nutrition research history of past 17 years by Dr. Gerrit Smit, Director of Yili Innovation Center Europe. As Dr. Gerrit Smit stated, Yili began to study breast milk in Chinese mothers independently since 2003, established the first Chinese breast milk research database in 2007, published White paper on breast milk research in China, and prompted the standardization of Chinese breast milk bank’s construction. In 2012, Yili completed the patent development of active protein – “α-lactalbumin+β-casein”. In recent years, together with universities and scientific institutions around the world, Yili has been dedicated to in-depth academic research on maternal and child nutrition in China.

Professor Hans van Goudoever from Emma Children’s Hospital Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands offered an insight into “Specific bioactive supplements for enterally fed (preterm) infants: what is the evidence?” He summarized the types and functions of active proteins and other active ingredients in breast milk, and analyzed the effects of active protein supplementation on the growth and development of term and preterm infants.

Dr. Adrienne Weiss, Innovation Project Leader at Yili Innovation Center Europe, shared findings on “New insights on the human milk proteome from clinical studies: How does it vary and why?” The latest research comparing the milk serum proteomes of Chinese and Dutch mothers, published on Nutrients in 2019, brings inspiration to the effect of breast milk on infant physiological function and may provide a scientific basis to develop optimized infant formula

YMINI, aiming to be your academic partner, is devoted to offer in-depth and comprehensive information and share research frontier and hot topics in maternal and infant nutrition since its establishment. In the future, YMINI will continue its basic study on Chinese breast milk and make efforts to promote academic exchanges at home and abroad.